Recent News

Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project (YECRP)
YMN completed the first phase of the Microfinance Client Compensation project as part of the YECRP project that was initiated at the end of 2017.

YMN staff training
YMN organized a training course in advanced excel for its staff as part of YMN internal capacity building plan for this year. The course lasted

Human resources workshop
YMN organized a workshop for Human resources for the Microfinance sector that was attended by the SFD and Human resource managers and training officers in

Islamic microfinance training
YMN organized a training course in Islamic Microfinance with the attendance of several participants from member MFIs. The training course aims at providing participants with

Board of directors meeting 2019
YMN Board of Directors held its meeting for the 1st quarter of 2019 with Mr.Refat Al-Mammari as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The meeting

Impact of war on microfinance and MSES workshop
YMN in cooperation with the UNDP organized a workshop to present the findings of the study of the impact of war on the Microfinance Sector.
Up Coming Training's
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