
A Workshop in Early Recovery Plan and Humanitarian Aid

On Monday the 27th of March 2017 a workshop was organized by the UNDP and OCHA in cooperation with YMN and SFD at the UNDP headquarters in Sana’a.

The workshop was organized to present Early RECOVERY plan and humanitarian aid work of UNDP to the microfinance sector and discuss the areas of intervention for MFIs.

The workshop was attended by several MFIs form different governorates in order to discuss the development of working group for MFIs within the humanitarian aid cluster of UNDP.  Presentation of the work being done towards early recovery in Yemen and the work of OCHA in several areas across the country.

In addition a short presentation on GBV and figures illustrating the increase in the cases of GBV with the situation in the country.

The goal of the workshop was to discuss the possible areas of intervention and work of MFIs in the Early Recovery efforts.

At the end the workshop representatives of MFIs agreed to meet and discuss the scope of work and formation of the working group that will execute and determine the intervention of MF sector in the early recovery and humanitarian efforts.

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