The General Assembly of the Yemen Microfinance Network (YMN) held its annual meeting on 28 March 2017 at Sheba Hotel. The meeting was attended by the majority of the members of the General Assembly.
The meeting was opened by the Undersecretary of Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor Mr. Ali Saleh Abdullah, who praised YMN for holding its meeting on a regular basis and hoped that the other organizations should follow the YMN transparency and effectiveness.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Hamid Al-Amrani led the meeting in the presence of the Monitoring and inspection committee, the external audit companies Grant Thornton and Geneva Group International and the director of associations and unions at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor.
In the agenda of GA YMN 2017 plan and budget was presented together with performance reports of BoD for the period June – Dec 2016 and YMN activity report for years 2015 and 2016. In addition the Monitoring and Inspection Committee presented its report to the GA. Also during the GA meeting Ms. Najwa Fadhl, the director of Aden Mf, was elected to the BoD of YMN and some amendments were discussed during the extraordinary meeting to be made to the YMN bylaw .