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YMN Microleasing Orientation Workshop

On Sunday the 12th of  August Yemen Microfinance Network organized an orientation workshop for the new developed Microleasing product (ALijarha ) that was developed in the last few months in collaboration with Global Communities.

The results of the field study which targeted  100 graduates from technical institutes and graduates of the MENA YES program together with the results of the 3 focus groups that were presented .

This product targets the youth to allow them to obtain the necessary equipment or tools which their need as startups especially when it is difficult ot obtain large sums of capital to begin with.

During the workshop the consultant / Majed Saeed presented the Management Information System that has been especially built for this product as well as taking into account the feedback of the participants on the MIS and how it works given the fact that this MIS has been downloaded for trials at two MFIs, AlTadamon and Tawasoul MF. The participants of this introductory workshop stressed on the importance of applying this product and how its availability will enable the youth to start their business.

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