
YMN and Global conducting a training course for developing loan officers

YMN and Global conducting a training course for developing loan officers

Yemen Microfinance Network (YMN) in cooperation with Global Communities Yemen conducted a training course aimed at qualifying and preparing loan officers. This training is conducted as a part of the “MENA YES” program. As loan officers are the front line of microfinance industry and play a significant role in the success of microfinance industry, this course is being conducted.

The targeted trainees were trained on “Principles of Microfinance” as a specialized training course prepared by YMN and funded by USAID and Social Fund for Development (SFD). In addition to “Principles of Microfinance” the trainees were introduced to some soft skills such as communication skills and negotiation skills.

The training course was implemented in one month starting from 11 th August – 11 th September 2014 in its theoretical hours and targeted a total of 20 participants. YMN is conducting this course as a part of its plan to provide microfinance sector in Yemen with qualified staff specially loan officers.

It’s worth mentioning that the participants will do a practical training with microfinance institution for one month as apprenticeship program.

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