
Microfinance and its Role in Supporting Training Outcomes

Yemen Microfinance Network (YMN) and Consultation & Development Center (CDC) at University of Science and Technology organized a workshop to discuss the role of Microfinance and how to integrate Microfinance services to target graduates from different training programs.

The GIZ, UNDP and SEDF as well as member MFI were among the attendants of this workshop which included the discussion of 3 papers that were presented by CDC and 2 member MFIs and the UNDP.

The first paper was presented by the CDC illustrated the different training programs and courses offered by it.The 2nd paper by MFIs, The National MF Foundation and Alkuraimi Islamic MF Bank demonstrated the list of products offered by the 2 organizations. The National MF Foundation offers Micro-leasing product while Alkuraimi presented their Mobile Banking service that has been recently adapted.The UNDP presented their work on youth empowerment in the 3rd paper showing the steps that they have taken in creating a platform for training and mentoring for youth who have ideas for startup businesses.

On the other hand the Managing Director of YMN delivered a speech in which he stressed on the importance of linking the training outcomes with Microfinance and the aim to provide trainings for member MFIs and how MFIs are expanding their products to cover other rural areas to cover the increasing demand in rural areas.

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